After having had to move, like, 3 times this last summer, and half-live out of my car for the last summer, I've realized that the whole "simple living" movement is awesome! I've been wanting to get rid of my stuff for the longest time anyways! I won't really be able to until next summer anyways, but hey, I'm already looking forward to it!
So here I am without a wink of sleep in so many hours, and watching both volumes of Kill Bill (twice) and a marathon of Boy Meets World. It's a good life. :)
But I must wonder, does anybody else kind of sort of wish that Bill doesn't get killed at the end of Kill Bill? Beatriz Kiddo and him are cute, and he's the old dreamy cowboy/ninja with a posse of awesome fallen comrades and then he's dead. Boo.
And now I will invest in a 5am snack. And probably do some online shopping. So terrible.
*cough* Life and all of the petty problems that add "flavor" *cough*
But after a little bit of drunken soul searching and reflecting on my own history, I realize that I'm so quiet in certain groups because I would be very rude if I were loud because I don't care for them or the topic. Or I simply have nothing to add to the conversation. Either one.
So suck it, certain UB counselor that I will not name but I still think that you are a jerkface, I'm just more professional than you, and can more easily hide my disdain.
In life, I will make fun of all those fake smiles, quietly awkward moments, cheerful lies, and "ice breakers". All I want is some butt ugly truths, bourbon, and some dirty jokes. That's the real fun. Sorry I'm bad at faking enthusiasm, world
I fear that I might be perpetuating the social systems that keep me oppressed. Am I creating not just my own Iron Cage, but yours as well? Oh the conundrums/ power high of a social scientist