So, a pack of cigarettes are about $1.50 (for the fancy ones), which makes it oddly tempting to buy them. So I did. Hypocritical, I know, but the cigarettes just taste better here. like...cheaper and earthier... :D
As I was told would happen, this week, the Wednesday of my stay in Dakar, was one of the longest of my life, and Aunt Flow will be visiting soon. TMI, I know, but it just sucks. I've realized, in the last few weeks of being generally sickly, exhausted and overly medicated, I've realized that I really love Dakar. I really love being relatively competent in a city in which I barely speak either of the two main languages. Hell, I love being in Africa. ...I don't love not living by myself. That;s just how I am. Even back home with my own family, I'm generally less satisfied with life when I can't run around naked and stream videos at 4 am and eat nothing but peanut butter for days on end. It makes me feel like I actually have to behave myself, living with a family. And my goodness, it is exhausting. It doesn't help that all of my host siblings are older than me, work all day, and just seem generally annoyed with my presence. It's not much fun there. But Dakar, as a place, my house, my street, even my family, when they don't seem to hate me, I love. But at this moment in time, I'm anticipating going home on the previously scheduled time, in 7 weeks time. I half-heartedly look forward to the cold weather and schedule-less January. Most of all, I look forward to seeing your lovely faces :)
Went to my first Senegalese soccer match au stade. It was everything you a imagine an African soccer match to be like. The pep band consisted of djembe drums and shakers, I shit you not, and they played almost constantly throughout the whole game, making it that much more fun and exciting. People also danced much of the time, and I think 4 people were carried to an ambulance for passing out, either from excitement or dancing or both! There were several guards in full on riot gear, shields and helmets included, though most wore their berets. THis is due to riots ensueing after games in the past, I'm told. Fecking awesome. I can see how this would happen. Many arm gestures and angry yells in Wolof, surely to be cursing the refs or the players or life. My group was the only one that consists of Toubabs or more than one woman, but nobody takes obvious mind, and we eat amazing baobob juice in a bag
First blog from the land of Senegal, and here is what I've done so far! -Lightning storm over atlantic! At night! It was amazing -Found hotel in suburbs of Dakar, got lost in suburbs of Dakar, found that downtown Dakar has nicer sidewalks, but are overcrowded. - Ate meat...what looked like parahna and tasted like chicken -Fallen in love with instant coffee, surprisingly - Mistook the mosque calling people to prayer at 5 am for coyotes, proving that I'm SUPER American. - Realized that my french isn't all that great -Haggled for fabric -Got the nickname 'ZZ' from my host Papa, which apparently means "Little Dick" (thanks for letting me know, Fifi) -only 5 bug bites and no sunburn! (kaar, which means 'knock on wood') -Has a little baby named Seda following me around :D - Watched much One Tree Hill and CSI dubbed in french -Ate Obama ice cream, which is, of course, chocolate. -Went to a Senegalese wedding reception and realized that I, in fact, cannot dance (the toddlers had more natural rhythme than me, lol) -Realized that my natural time keeping is with the Senegalese -Realized that I will live as a Toubab ('whitey', not at all derogatory too) in a strange land for four months....I'm not scared. :) - Missed everyone - Going to Goree island tomorrow! -Going dancing later!
will have a better blog in the coming weeks when I spend more time at the center and can use the wifi more :)
Still miss everyone..I hate to say it, but I already can't wait to be back home just so I can see everyone. But I can't miss you without being gone! <3 id="gwProxy" type="hidden">
-People that misspell 'taking', 'making' etc, to a point where it is just confusing...
-People that use the wrong their, they're, there, which, witch, here, hear, your, you're, to, too and even two, waste, waist, (oh yeah, you better believe that this happens) and so on and so forth.
...fourth and forth....oye
-People who are convinced that they are right despite the fact that they haven't done any research for whatever it is that they are arguing about, or the only sources that they researched are from unreliable sources, a.k.a the community of other people who haven't done their research...a.k.a the community of Angry Stupid Liberals/Conservatives (there's no difference between the two ends once they're Angry).
- People that are self-proclaimed 'eccentric', 'unique' and of course, "too smart to 'get'". Generally, they fit with those listed above, grammar mistakes and all.
After having had to move, like, 3 times this last summer, and half-live out of my car for the last summer, I've realized that the whole "simple living" movement is awesome! I've been wanting to get rid of my stuff for the longest time anyways! I won't really be able to until next summer anyways, but hey, I'm already looking forward to it!
So here I am without a wink of sleep in so many hours, and watching both volumes of Kill Bill (twice) and a marathon of Boy Meets World. It's a good life. :)
But I must wonder, does anybody else kind of sort of wish that Bill doesn't get killed at the end of Kill Bill? Beatriz Kiddo and him are cute, and he's the old dreamy cowboy/ninja with a posse of awesome fallen comrades and then he's dead. Boo.
And now I will invest in a 5am snack. And probably do some online shopping. So terrible.
*cough* Life and all of the petty problems that add "flavor" *cough*
But after a little bit of drunken soul searching and reflecting on my own history, I realize that I'm so quiet in certain groups because I would be very rude if I were loud because I don't care for them or the topic. Or I simply have nothing to add to the conversation. Either one.
So suck it, certain UB counselor that I will not name but I still think that you are a jerkface, I'm just more professional than you, and can more easily hide my disdain.
In life, I will make fun of all those fake smiles, quietly awkward moments, cheerful lies, and "ice breakers". All I want is some butt ugly truths, bourbon, and some dirty jokes. That's the real fun. Sorry I'm bad at faking enthusiasm, world
I just had Taco truck tacos. Not a taco truck. Not The Taco Truck, that's like saying 'the facebook'. Taco Truck. And it was just as freaking amazing as I remember it.
Also, I found new quote that I like; "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end." It's a comforting sort of thought, but there should also be a dancing bear or tap dancing-tree clause.
Also also, got a new phone that I didn't want, because touch screens and me do NOT get along. Alas, I am stuck with it. But there is a maps app, which means I am not as likely to get lost anymore!!! woohoo! and I guess it is pretty cool, even though it is literally impossible to hang up a call and it has a battery life of one whole day... positives,positives...I finally have cell phone service at my dad's house :)
Oh, I just added pictures that I found to be HILARIOUS! (but, sorry if I offend anyone. Harry Potter jokes are always funny...because they're geeky..and...I get them). And cute. Like cuddling animals :D
Wow, that sounds like a better slogan than 'The Power of Small". Then again, I still really want that t-shirt. Anyways, I really do have some goals to share. #1. Marry rich. Those of you that know me may already know of this goal, but I thought I ought to reiterate it. If you're all like "ooh, but what about the sanctity of marriage?", well, gay marriage still isn't legal, and I think it would be funnier for me to marry someone old and loaded rather than someone I just want to make babies with. But, I mean, a young rich hippy/ rockstar would be nice too. #2 ADOPT cute kids. or just kiddy kids...I fear birth, ok?! that's a legit phobia! just think about it for more than 2 seconds, and a cold shiver will appear. #3 not ever become a 'take off your shoes' house. Maybe, like a 'shoes optional' house, but I personally think it's weird to force guests to take their shoes off. What if its an ugly sock day? What if they have smelly feet? If you're trying to keep your carpet nice, well, it's on the floor. It supposed to get dirty. The whole point of carpets it keep your feet warmer than a no-carpet floor. And hardwood floors? those are easier to clean than carpeted floors!!! No offense to those that follow a shoeless policy in your homes (I've never been to any of your houses, so I dont know), but I just find it strange.
So my internet is being weird but here I go. The lovely trip actually was, 7&1/2 hours drive there and back and all. Nothing quite like loud M.I.A while cruising the Gorge in Stunna' shades. Life is really beautiful after a Sugar-Free Rockstar and 2 full rounds of a Mika album. And in general, I s'pose ;)
Everybody: Thanks for your queries, I decided to keep my theory book, and am satisfied with my choice. And Mika truly heals the heart of empty beds + too much carob in an evening, or road rage.
So I have several question for all, well, three of you. #1, should I sell the theory book of my major? ($30 vs. a lifetime of social theory knowledge at my fingertips) #2, should I look into this seemingly awesome Jumble Bag website, with $5 free shipping, with LED potential?
Oh, good news, I'm done with Social Theory!!!
Bad news, or What I Learned This Last Semester; when a boy asks "Darling, do you want to go on a lovely trip with me?", you must almost always translate it into, "Darling, do you want to drive us both to this lovely place 8 hours away and pay for gas?" or simply "I need a ride."
Last week, whilst I made sandwiches and smoothies for Linfield kiddies, a drag show in a little place in Portland that was ZOMBIE THEMED occurred. I'm devastated, but I take solace in the fact that this existed at all, in the universe. Somehow, somewhere, its magic has rubbed off on's some sort of Buddhist karma idea that way. Right? Right?!
Anyways, I would just like to say that I'm really not at all in bad mood though all of my blogs are pretty pessimistic, but the only time I feel like writing/ can be creative at all is when I have something to complain about! A good female complaint story really gets my creative juices flowing.
I just finished my french oral final, now I just have to do my essay and other essay and test and other essay! Woot! the end is....well, it exists now, anyways.
Oh and the Philip/ Me thing is official now I guess, though we really were before anyways. Just keeping everybody (3 followers) updated. Anybody else notice that Family Guy just isn't funny anymore? Eh? eh?
Time to practice guitar and make a condom poster out of procrastination!
Ok, so since I just made this blog yesterday, I thought I might as well add to it rather than make a whole new one. My anthro advisor/ social theory prof gave me a CD of Xavier Rudd and now I am obsessed. Not just of this random Australian(?) musician but of becoming the pet of the SoAn department. I WILL live on the couch in there, I WILL paint on their wall, and I WILL be adored. Creepy new life goals are so invigorating. <3
So Kristina, you know how you came to visit last weekend? Be happy you missed the attack of the townies. In my hall. Almost in my ROOM. So very smelly. Like a br in the downtown in between an artists' cafe with windows tinted so dark you don't know when it's open and an anime porn theatre covered in out-of-date posters for unknown musicians touring in the cafe. Like Pabst's, cheap cigarettes and piss. but not so much on the piss part, thankfully. Anyways, the worst part is really the VERY loud sex from the room next door (slaps and 'Bitch's included) and the never ending assault of comedic (but quite serious) "Is that yo boyfren?", "Can I have yo number? I say, can I HAVE it?" first it was hilarious, then kinda entertaining, then just very smelly and 3 am on a weeknight. Not a fun progression when this noise is your neighbor's fault. It's all over now, I hear they were finally all kicked out by campo. thankfully. (I swear I didn't call them, this must have been the rest of the building's sentiments as well though)
'I' week is almost over and I can get my boy back for the last week and a half of classes. Woot!
So I've realized I've done myself no favors by putting off all forms of productivity until, well, this week. I've just gotten more depressed, and that's just no fun for anyone. That's why my new regime of working out 3-4 times a week/ lazing in any form of sunlight/ eating happy healthy food hasn't actually improved my mood at all. My GPA is going to seriously suffer from this semester, and there isn't much I can do about that, but what bothers me more is that this is like, week 7 of this never-ending state of blaahh. Whatever, 'nough of this boring woes-is-me,
oh, yeah, I just giggled when I saw this pic. So either it's the adorable kittens telling you that the universe is meaningless, or they're trying to tell you that the universe is meaningless over a picture of adorable kittens so that you don't believe them, because the kittens are so adorable. Or they don't like cats. In any case, trying not to be a downer, so I'm adding another image. The one to the left is what Chloe's and my apartment would(will? <3)look id="gwProxy" type="hidden">
I know I just did a blog, but I lack the skills for another creative outlet and it has recently occurred to me that that might be what's missing in my life. That and a good work out regime. Also maybe live music pplz ( I miss my old musicians, where art thou?).
Anyways, given my lack of ability to focus on homework, and my sudden loss of interest in my major, I've been spending a lot of time making my self feel better by internet surfing. I've come across a few things that I knew existed, but forgot about. One of these is MyLifeisTwilight. Go. See. Make fun. Enjoy. It's like MyLifeisAverage, but minus the Win. Any Win. There is very little Win to be found on MLIT, unlike MLIA.
Anyways, I've kinda run out of things, despite my stalking of Geekologie, and the gut feeling that I have as to the true extent of the great wide internet world (that isn't just porn) that I have yet to discover. Any suggestions?
In my theory class we are discussing the black market organ trade of the world, globalization, and women's right issues. It's going to be a fun discussion come next week. It's pretty interesting, yet scary. I had never even heard of the folktale that tourists were kidnapped and had their organs stolen, but now I'm concerned (even though it was proven to be false, for the most part). I'm sure I don't need both kidneys that much, but all the same, I would really rather not have to deal with that. I'm not sure why I brought that up. But now I'm not going to bother deleting it.
I need to start doing these blogs more regularly, but I generally have very little to say in the way of 'interesting' or 'I want to waste your time on it'. But I would like to say that there is an ever growing list of movies that I want to see as my bank account remains lacking in movie funds, and my brain remains lacking in knowledge of how to (illegally) download such things. And now the government is going to start tracking this. which actually does my heart good, because then I can imagine a CIA or FBI or someothergovernmentorganization guy sitting around, reading about how much I like fish and Lady Gaga. >_< :D It's the little things in life.
But really it's about being obnoxious and glamorous and ridiculous until you're a beautiful corpse, or a 43 yr old that is actually a 25 yr old that is really a 16 yr old. At heart. =)
oh yeah, that list of movies. If any of you have seen these, please give m your reviews! -Alice in Wonderland. I'm so disappointed in myself -Repo Men. Not so sure about it, it might just be Repo the Genetic Opera, but not awesome and sans singing. which is even less awesome. -Kick Ass. I don't think this is even out yet, but I want to see it! -erm...I know there were more, but I've been up reading about Globalization social theory, so my brain is just repeating unnecessary things I already know... - An Education! This came out 8 million years ago, but I never saw, but heard it was brilliant.
ehh, I don't know. Any good movie recommendations (even that I can find at the library), world?
All I can think about is pickled herring... O.o Omygod, if you've never had it, you have no idea what you're missing out on. It's the candy of pickled, smelly food. The Cadberry Cream Egg of my summer. The only thing I can live off of at my Aunt Joy's (because everything else is either cake or beef) and warms my Swedish heart! Now my scandihoovian roots are coming back with a vengeance! (drools) :P (that is drool, not a tongue...I couldn't think of another way to do it) alas, all I have are these sweet pickles (which taste similar, amazingly). Also, I want lutefisk! ZOMG it's so gooood
I have no idea why I'm blogging about this, btw, I just have nothing else to talk about...
Oh, maybe I'm homesick, of sorts. I missed the Swedish festival for Easter that my family used to go to (which would be awkward now, after the divorce and all, but whatevs). mmm Swedish fooood.
So basically. ...ok, just screw facebook. I hate facebook relationship status checks. Worst thing ever for anyone, dating or not. Really, I mean, it's only not annoying when people are married, or joking that they're married (which has actually become really difficult to tell apart as of late. 'woops, seriously?! oh, uh, congratulations...*awkward*'). I don't want to know that 'it's complicated' unless we are going to gossip about it over some drinks, ice cream and 'True Blood'/ 'Sex and the City'. You can't just share a bit of personal information like that to everyone. that should be shared with very few close friends and let society do its thing (or simply not at all). How does the other part of the 'complicated' status feel anyways? did they know it was awkward? do they care for everyone to know that it's complicated? Most likely, no.
Oh, and another thing, (that is the line when you know you're about to hear a complaint about an ex), if you didn't have your relationship status up while you were dating, it's not ok to put it up (as single, of course) right after you're dating. That is what most people would consider an asshole-move. Just saying.
This is why mine will forever remain blank. Also, I just got too depressed looking at the 'marooned' thing everyday. :P Now, this is all obviously just me. Most people like to post their statuses to celebrate, or at least de-complicate situations with people and labels in life. By posting this information, many-a awkward conversations can be avoided. so, it has a purpose.
I would just like to state that I never have ever said that I'm a good driver, and that given the opportunity I would bike, swim, shuffle, horse-back ride, T rex-back ride, teleport, fly, zeppelin, walk, skip, frolic to any location. Driving a motorized vehicle is always, always, always at the bottom of my list of things I want to do. That is all.
I know I don't actually keep this updated or in any specific theme, mostly I get things off my chest here.
So here's another item to add to the crazy list.
Last week I read an article about a 6 year-old girl that committed suicide by hanging herself with a belt and a baby blanket.
What are you supposed to think about that? What are you even supposed to feel? I want some comments on that, I simply don't know what to think anymore, except be saddened.
Today, posted on the Post Secret blog, I saw a picture from when I was 11, from a friend's birthday party. I recognized all the girl's, all the funny hats...they said they were from Ontario.
It said "Take a picture of your life....Remember what it looks like, before it all changes" Wise words, long lost middle school friend in the Great White North.
I fear that I might be perpetuating the social systems that keep me oppressed. Am I creating not just my own Iron Cage, but yours as well? Oh the conundrums/ power high of a social scientist